Submit a Question

Ready to submit your burning question to Straight Talk with BrainWaves? Here’s how you can do it via email:

  1. Compose an email to with your question as the subject line.
  2. In the body of the email, provide enough context and details for BrainWaves to fully understand your situation. Aim for a word count between 100 and 500 words to ensure a clear and concise question.
  3. Please indicate your preferred voice for your question to be read on the podcast: masculine or feminine.
  4. To protect your identity, feel free to change names or use pseudonyms for any individuals mentioned in your question.
  5. Remember the ground rules: legitimate questions should not promote hate, discrimination, or harm towards others, involve illegal activities, or violate the privacy of others.
  6. Please note that your question may be modified for length or clarity, and that while we strive to answer as many questions as possible, not all questions can be addressed on the podcast.

Once submitted, stay tuned for our upcoming voting feature, where you and other listeners will have the chance to vote on the questions you’d like to hear answered on Straight Talk with BrainWaves.

We can’t wait to read your questions and provide you with candid, insightful advice!